

Harlee was born and raised in the small town of Golden, British Columbia. Growing up surrounded by mountains, she knew she was lucky but didn't realize just how fortunate she was until moving to Calgary to pursue an Aviation Diploma at Mount Royal University shortly after high school. Fun fact, upon getting her pilot's license, she could legally fly more people in a plane than she could drive in a car due to BC's restrictive new drivers laws! While she enjoyed her time flying - exploring as far south as the Grand Canyon in a little 4-seater Cessna with two other classmates - some of her fondest memories were of the solo overnight winter survival course that she had to take; a course that others dreaded but that she could not wait for! In fact, it was this course that would later spark her interest and lead to her enrollment in the Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership (ETOL) program in 2020. Now, a recent ETOL grad, Harlee is super excited to join the AA team where she hopes to meet like-minded individuals and share her passion for everything outdoors!


Harlee's Favorite Travel Destination?

This is a tough one because there are so many! That said, I'd probably have to go with Siargao - a little island known as the surfing capital of the Philippines. Think tropical Tofino and then try and think of a more perfect place... I'm not sure that one exists!

Harlee's Favorite Adventure Activity?

Definitely hiking and backpacking, but I've recently been wanting to get into bikepacking, and would love to one day do a bikepacking trip around the United Kingdom.

Harlee's Most Inspiring Adventure Experience?

Again, this is tough because I feel fortunate to have had many, but if I had to choose I'd say the 9-day backpacking expedition I did in the Purcells as part of my ETOL degree. This trip pushed me harder than any other and made me realize that I was capable of so much more than I ever thought possible!

What is Your Favorite Active Adventures or Austin Adventures Trip?

I've yet to do it, but the Machu Picchu & Amazon Adventure looks amazing!

When Did You First Get The Travel Bug?

Ever since traveling to Europe for the first time on a school trip to Greece!

What Destination is on Harlee's Bucket List?

Hmm a couple that have been at the top of the list for a while have been Peru for the Salkantay Trek and Germany for the Christmas markets, but the list could go on and on!

Tell us About Your Favorite Hobbies & Special Talents...

I've always loved to cook and bake, but recently I've been hooked on candle-making! I also spent four years in my younger days traveling from Golden to Calgary three times/week to train trampoline and tumbling, so I suppose that could have been my special talent? I say "could have been" because I'm pretty sure I'd pee my pants trying to do any of that now lol!